Festival LR Trio “Un soir d’été en la Chapelle”

Festival "Un soir d'été en la Chapelle"

21 August 2024

“You can tear the man from the country but you cannot tear the country from the heart of the man” John Dos Passos (“Report of a Nation”).

This adage by the American writer John Dos Passos could sum up in a few words the common thread of the moving concert that Luis Pousa, Rosa Inès Villegas and Catherine Morrison offered to the large audience of the Festival “Un Soir d’été en la Chapelle”.

Tales of wandering souls, tragic love stories, lost illusions, journeys to origins: Luis on the guitar, Catherine on the cello sublimated with their notes the bewitching voice of Rosa who expressed in the language of her Colombian origins the poetry and realism of South America.

Whether in the original compositions of the guitarist and the singer or in those of the pieces of Latin American folklore, emotion was part of the journey and everyone could find in this music something of their own intimacy, their own identity.

Rosa’s warm voice touched the hearts of the audience who were in perfect osmosis with the three artists. After an hour and a half of happiness, the audience was still waiting and it was standing that they cheered and thanked these fabulous passers of dreams and memories of other “Elsewheres”, who generously responded to their encores.

The association “Musique et Culture en Hautes Vosges” thanks the loyal and enthusiastic audience and all the musicians who contributed to the success of the 2024 season of the “Un Soir d’été en la Chapelle” festival.